Saturday, 23 July 2011

To tweet or not to tweet?

In the event of further promotion, I was thinking about creating a Twitter account and doing updates there. Now, I'll be honest. I've never thought much of Twitter before, because most often, people just throw up short messages, and meaningful posts kind of become a thing of the past. Now, I'm not having a go at people who tweet. That's their thing, and I have found some interesting Twitter pages to have a gander at. But it's never been my thing, because honestly? I'd rather write out a meaningful post and use my words, rather than tweet one word updates. However, it may prove to be a useful tool, because updates are a good thing to have, and I can keep any followers updated on the progress of future projects.

Oh well. I'll have a think about it, if nothing else. So long as I don't become a tweet-nut! I don't think I will; I'll always like my words ^_~

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