Saturday, 30 July 2011

Plotter or Pantser?

Do I plot, or am I more a writing-by-the-seat-of-my-pants person? I'll be honest. I'm definitely the latter. I do plot in my head all the time, but when I come to writing it, I realise that it's a lot different to how I imagined it in my head, with changes left, right and center! When I'm actually writing the chapter, I do have an idea of where I want it to go, and what I want to happen, but that's it. Most times, I just sit down, write it, and let the characters do whatever they want, so long as it's legal, and won't result in them losing any limbs *shifty eyes*

I'm also finding out the joys of multiple plot lines. Right now, I have four going on right now, and the trouble I have trying to keep them on track, and make sure that I don't create massive plot holes for myself... it's incredible. Sometimes I find reading over the previous chapters helps me to keep track of what's going on, so I don't lose track, and get myself all tangled up. At the time of writing, however, I do have two plotlines that are going to come together, if only for a little while (so count five at the moment, if you want to include this mini subplot I came up with a couple of days ago), and then one of them will go off on its own and end up with resolution ... but I do have plans to include the two characters I introduced in future chapters, and possibly the next book (which will be book 4! Yipe!). Well, one of the characters in this little subplot is one I intro'd tonight, and the other has been in the background till now. But they will figure in future chapters, and the next book. I do want to do them as adults (they're children right now, 5 and 7 respectively).

And if anyone wants to see little excerpts, please let me know, and I'll post them up! If you've got suggestions on how to improve them, please comment and let me know, and I'll be sure to take your suggestions on board. Especially if they're sure to improve the overall quality of the book when I get ready to release it! And for the curious, this is book 3 of Seven Masks, the name of my sci-fi series. Book 1 is Neverend, published on Lulu and Amazon as an eBook, Book 2 is Neverblood, and will be published later this year. Book 3 is Neverfound (the book I'm currently working on), and is a work in progress (just to clear up any confusion!).

But the main focus of this post is; plotter or pantser? Mixture of both? Neither? Cookies? *will shut up now* I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Monday, 25 July 2011

Neverend now live on Amazon in Kindle format!

You heard right! Neverend is now LIVE on Amazon in Kindle format as an eBook. It can be accessed here: *does happy dance* I am so happy :D Now I've got two selling channels to go through, w00t!

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Darn it

Turned out there was a slight problem with the interior file I created for submission to CreateSpace; the size of the interior file didn't match the book size I'd created. So I gave up, deleted it, and now am just waiting for the Kindle eBook to finish publishing so I can start linking it around the place. I might also go on a hunt for other free eBook publishers so I can market my books in as many places as possible (fingers crossed!). One day, I'll go for the printed option when I can get enough money together. It might take a while, but if I can make enough eBook sales, I should be able to start marketing my books in print form as well. I'm not sure, though; with the popularity of eReades, smartphones, etc, would it even be worth publishing in print form one day? I mean, I love printed books as much as the next person, but is print going the way of the dinosaur? I'd like to hope not, but modern technology is really coming along at a fast clip, and eBooks seem to be the rage these days. For example; I was in Borders (defunct and now closed book chain here in Australia, woe :( ) one day, and I was very temped to get a Kobo eReader. I may still do so, because eBooks are really taking off.

Ah well. I won't give up on the printed word just yet, even if carrying a book or two around in my backpack (especially a big book, like Lord of the Rings, for example), can be a bit hard on the old shoulders!

Yes, I caved

Yes, I got a Twitter account *hangs head in shame* You can find (and follow, if you want) here:!/evilpgmistress I also published on Amazon's Kindle publishing service today in order to expand my selling channels, and also on CreateSpace as well. As these two become available, I'll add them to my links list, and post them in blogs as well. The Kindle product will be available most likely by tomorrow, while I'll have to wait a couple of days for CreateSpace to get my project there up and running. But at least I've expanded my selling channels, so fingers crossed I can get some serious attention. I just need to know how to go about promoting without being a pain about it @_@ I've done the whole Facebook fan page for the series as a whole, I've created a Twitter account, and I've left the direct link to Neverend on Lulu as a part of my signature on deviantArt. I'm also thinking about creating a WordPress blog, but that will depend on whether I need the further exposure. Gah. I need to read around and get some advice on how to utlitise what I've created so far so I can draw more attention to my books, and make some sales!

Saturday, 23 July 2011

To tweet or not to tweet?

In the event of further promotion, I was thinking about creating a Twitter account and doing updates there. Now, I'll be honest. I've never thought much of Twitter before, because most often, people just throw up short messages, and meaningful posts kind of become a thing of the past. Now, I'm not having a go at people who tweet. That's their thing, and I have found some interesting Twitter pages to have a gander at. But it's never been my thing, because honestly? I'd rather write out a meaningful post and use my words, rather than tweet one word updates. However, it may prove to be a useful tool, because updates are a good thing to have, and I can keep any followers updated on the progress of future projects.

Oh well. I'll have a think about it, if nothing else. So long as I don't become a tweet-nut! I don't think I will; I'll always like my words ^_~

Friday, 22 July 2011

Busy bee!

Just created a Facebook page for my science fiction series Seven Masks, of which Neverend is the first book. The Facebook page can be accessed here:, so feel free to jump on board and check it out :D As each book is added to the series, it will be linked, and of course, all the books will eventually be able to be reached through my Lulu Author Spotlight :D Happy browsing!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

The blogging begins!

This is my first time using Blogger, so please be kind! I set it up to primarily promote my first published eBook here: Neverend (but this link will change to promote further books in the series (of which the first two are completed, with a third currently at six chapters, with chapter seven soon to be written). Of course, I daresay I'll find other things to ramble about, so sit back, and bear with me as I figure out how this thing works!